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Order Zero Nicotine

Zero Nicotine


Zero Nicotine is an innovative stop smoking patch designed to help you give up smoking safely and naturally. With its unique blend of ingredients, Zero Nicotine offers you the best possible chance to finally kick the deadly habit for good.

Zero Nicotine Patch fights the three major factors that inhibit smoking cessation efforts:

1. Nicotine addiction
2. Withdrawal symptoms
3. Nicotine intoxication

Zero Nicotine is safe and easy to use. Each anti-smoking patch contains a dose of the most effective herbal ingredients, formulated to alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal while cleansing the system of all smoking-related toxins. The proprietary herbal formulation in Zero Nicotine contains ingredients that act as natural substitutes for nicotine; thereby satisfying the body's craving for this substance, without all the negative side effects of patches containing the actual drug, nicotine. The all-natural ingredients will make you crave fewer cigarettes each day. This gradual process allows you to quit with no withdrawal symptoms and requires less willpower and effort on your part.

Zero Nicotine's all-natural formula eliminates, rather than replenishes, the level of nicotine in your body, helping you break the habit.

The patch application method allows the active ingredients to penetrate the skin and reach the bloodstream faster and more conveniently than any other method.

All of the natural ingredients in Zero Nicotine are listed on the Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list of safe foods.

Zero Nicotine is not addictive.

There are 10 patches in one box (one month's supply).


Follow the directions for using Zero Nicotine provided by your doctor. Use Zero Nicotine exactly as directed.

Place one (1) patch in a different place on the skin every three (3) days. It is recommended that the patch be placed on a hair-free area, if at all possible to avoid irritation when removing the patch.

Each patch is to be worn for three (3) days. The unique application and adhesive technology of this patch allows you to shower, swim, workout and sleep with the patch without ever having to worry about it coming off.

Most people feel the cravings for nicotine dramatically reduce within the first 10-15 days.

Store Zero Nicotine at room temperature, away from excess heat and moisture.


Do not place the patch on the genitals or the face.


Zero Nicotine Patch consists of: Gotu Kola, Hops, Skullcap, Oat, Peppermint, Ginger Root, Gentian, Myrrh, Safflower, Eucalyptus, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root, Alfalfa, Passion Flower, Sarsaparilla, Bayberry, and Echinacea Powder.

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