Mark Brooks, NY, 30:
Hello, I am writing to say THANKS! I have been suffering for 6 long weeks with horrible mind bending cluster headaches. Later I was looking around on the web at some cluster headache web sites and stumbled across your site. I thought I would give a try to Imitrex.I received your product quickly, tried it and MAN-O-MAN!!!!!! Talk about a blast of relief! I probably squeezed a little too much the first try as I was doing the pain dance. I wish I would have known about this product sooner. Thanks for an excellent and almost instant end to my cluster headaches. Oh, by the way, last night was the first full night of sleep I have had in 6 weeks and awoke without the lovely piercing headache.
Janine, CA, 40:
I would just like to say that my family are all allergy, and headache sufferers. We have chronic head pain that often becomes severe migraine pain. My 15 year old son is almost disabled on a daily basis by this. Desperate to find a solution, we could not wait to try your Imitrex. I tried it first and was amazed at how it worked, immediately. I went ahead and let my son try it. He didn't resist using it, as he does with so many products. He uses it always when he has head pain. He has finally found relief. I don't hear "I have a headache" every time I pick him up from school. What a miracle this is. This child has suffered since he was an infant. Now he smiles and wants to do things he never felt well enough to do. This product has already helped our family BEYOND our expectations. I will be a customer for life, and will not let our supply of Imitrex ever run out. Thank you for EXCELLENT customer service. You have been very kind and treated us as valued customers. In this day and age, this is hard to come by. With sincere gratitude.
Rachel, Longview, WA, USA:
Imitrex makes my migraine go away very quickly. Works every time I use it.
Takes the pain away really quickly without side effects.
Grace, Arlington, VA, USA:
This is the only thing that helps me to get rid of migraine.
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